سعد طفل في العاشرة من عمره لم تتح له الفرصة بسبب ظروف الحرب للالتحاق بالتعليم عندما كان في السادسة، وصار يعمل كراعي للأغنام حتى تم افتتاح مدرسة في منطقته، أخذه والده إليها فأحبها وأحب وجود أطفال كثر من عمره ليلعب معهم، حتى أنه أصبح يحزن ويبكي إذا قيل له إنه لن يذهب إليها كما يخبرنا والده.
في البداية كان يستوعب ببطء، ولكن مع الأيام بدأ يتحسن كما يقول معلمه، بعد خضوعه للمناهج الترميمية والاهتمام الخاص به من أجل عدم ضياع مستقبله.
سعد أتى للمدرسة كما يقول ليصبح معلماً ويعلم الأطفال كأستاذه حسين، وهو لن يترك المدرسة أبداً.
Saad back to school seats
Saad is a 10-year-old who did not have an opportunity due to circumstances of the war prevent him from attend education he was working as a shepherd until the opening of a school in his area, his father took him to it, loved it and loved the presence of children many peers to play with them, so he became sad and crying if he was told that he would not go to it as his father tells us,at first, he slowly accommodated, but with the time, began to improve, as his teacher says, after undergoing reconstructive approaches and his attention in order not to lose his future, Saad came to school, he says, to become a teacher and teach children like his teacher Hussein, and he will never leave school.